marta beauchamp

PhD in practice _ Art University Linz (AT)

The project develops around the transmediation of scientific reports on entrainment into sound installations.
In the field of chronobiology, entrainment denotes the faculty of living organisms to relate their internal rhythm to environmental rhythms. Transmediation is placed at the center of the project so to analyse the tipping point of its feasibility, testing the medial affordances of text and sound.
In the project, entrainment and listening hybridise the practices of biology and sound art: on the one hand, the transmediation of entrainment allows to compare the practice of working with rhythms in chronobiology and in sound art; on the other hand, the act of listening, required to experience sound art, draws a parallel between the attitude required to experience sound art and the contemplative practice of observing phenomena in biology.

> transmediation projects <

frequent frogs (2024)

The sound installation deals with the rhythm and entrainment of frog calls.

[Developed for "STERRRN Festival"
Österreichschen Skulpturenpark, AT]

day in and day out (2023)

The exhibition reflects on the limits of adaptation to unnaturally long day-night rhythms.

[Developed during the residency project "Long Term Short Stay"
Funded by "impulsgelden" Provincie Noord-Brabant, NL]

return to refresh

An installation developed around an ecology and chronobiology study (Zimova et al. 2016) comparing the seasonal synchrony between landscape colour and fur colour in scottish mountain hares before and after impactful changes driven by climate change.

TTFL part1 series

Chronobiologists have summarised the molecular mechanism of the circadian clock in a model they named transcription-translation feedback loop (TTFL). One of the properties of the TTFL is that it self-sufficiently generates rhythms; the works of TTFL part1 specifically deal with the self-organising properties of the circadian clock. Documentation of TTFL part1 subprojects:
TTFL part1
TTFL part1.1
TTFL part1.2

> satellite projects <


A site specific open-air 4-channel sound installation sonifying the light of night celestial bodies.
The composition develops around calendar data of sun and moon phases specific to the installation site (52.012855, 8.542723).
A new composition is developed for each day of the festival (11th – 15th of August), depending on sun and moon set times and illumination.

schritttempo: Gehen als Methode, Rhythmen zu untersuchen (2023)

The workshop draws attention to body rhythms (heart beat, breathing, walking) to closen the relationship to one's own body rhythm and thus deliberately relate it to environmental rhythms.

[A cooperation with TONSPUR Kunstverein
Funded by OEAD + Bundesministerium für Bildung Wissenschaft und Forschung]

> PhD Research Collective <

Linz, 03–08.09.2024
Seilerstätte 1
"Heterotopia: A Relational Space Created by Practice"
Collective Exhibition at Ars Electronica 2024

Linz, 05–06.08.2024
Research Collective retreat

Linz, 29.05.2024
Salonschiff Fräulein Florentine
"face à face: Bridging Minds"
Laser talks of the Research Collective and open mic session

Linz, 04.03.2024
Department of Interface Cultures, Kunstuni Linz
Shortlisted candidate for the Graduate Program "PhD research collective"

> PhD related activities <

Den Haag, 27.-28.05.2024
"Sound Arguments"
Graduate program of Orphaeus Instute for sound art researchers

Gent, 25.-27.03.2024
"Sound Arguments"
Graduate program of Orphaeus Instute for sound art researchers